Derived from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in which the body is mapped out as a system of energy meridian channels. Acupuncture needles are used to stimulate or sedate the qi in these channels in order to harmonize the body and diminish any signs or symptoms of pain or illness. Acupuncture has also shown to balance the blood levels of serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins which enhance the immune system and regulate mood. It is an effective non-pharmaceutical alternative form of medicine that can improve one's overall health and wellness.
Natural non-invasive procedure that uses fine needles to improve overall skin quality. The skin’s regenerative processes are promoted to increase collagen and elastin production, improving blood circulation and stimulating lymph drainage. The end results lead to a healthier, revitalized, and youthful appearance.
Chinese practice of therapeutic bodywork perfected to bring about healing. Utilizes principals of TCM to increase blood flow, and the circulation of qi to regulate body function and enhance the body’s resistance to illnesses.
Reiki is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life (Rei) Energy (Ki). It is a spiritual healing discipline and has its roots in ancient Buddhist teachings. The founder of Reiki, Dr. Mikao Usui, received enlightenment while in a deep meditative state searching for a higher meaning. This was the conception of Reiki - a simple hand-placement treatment that tunes in with a higher form of vibration to harmonize the mind & body giving a sense of peacefulness.
Suctioning of the skin with a plastic or glass cup to create local congestion in order to remove any acute or chronic blood stagnation, resulting in more pliable tissue and pain relief.
Scrapping method, traditionally used with a porcelain spoon, with the intention to resolve blood stagnation at the surface of the skin and relieve pain in stiff achy muscles.
Burning of mugwort herb directly or indirectly on the skin to strengthen any weakness, induce the flow of qi and blood, prevent diseases, and promote normal organ function.
Electrical current used to stimulate acupuncture needles to help relieve pain, improve blood circulation, and create a stimulating effect on muscles and nerves.
An ancient practice that uses different parts of medicinal plants to treat the imbalances that manifest within our bodies. Herbs are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to treat the whole person and their symptoms. Herbal medicine in conjunction with Acupuncture can create a synergistic effect for faster and favorable results.